On Nov. 6, Kamala said “You have the capacity to do extraordinary good in the world . . . This is not a time to throw up our hands. This is a time to roll up our sleeves.” So let’s get going! Join colleagues for a virtual roundtable on Giving Tuesday (Dec. 3) from noon to 1 to see which volunteer opportunity is right for you. We know everyone can’t do everything, but if each of us took on one (more) pro bono case, or volunteered at one more clinic, what an amazing impact that would have. Join at this link!
You will be joined by:
– Daniel Carpenter, to discuss AILA’s Military Assistance Program
– Katie Lambing, to discuss The Rian Immigrant Center’s Immigration Clinics
– Justin Fyten, to discuss direct representation opportunities with Kids in Need of Defense
– Sarah Allar, to discuss direct representation opportunities with the PAIR Project
– Jessica Chicco, to discuss clinic opportunities with the MIRA Coalition
You will hear from each represented organization about:
– What volunteer options are available and most needed?
– What is the typical time commitment (both in overall time spent and how long the case/project takes)?
– What if any mentorship or resources are available?
– Is prior experience in a specific area needed?
– What exactly is the next step for someone who wants to get started?
But wait, there’s more! Everyone who attends will be entered into a raffle and a randomly selected winner will get to select the non-profit of your choice for a $100 donation in your name (covered by AILA New England). And everyone who commits to a volunteer or pro bono opportunity by the conclusion of the brownbag will be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift card for a wellness-related purpose.
If you have questions, just come. If you have suggestions or can’t make it and have questions, please email Robin Nice at PastChairAILANE@gmail.com.